Last updated Oct 26, 2024 btw :).
Finish the Chrome Extension page on this site (info about the features), right now it's just copied from the welcome page tab.
The popup should render the progress bar if closed and reopened during analysis processing.
Switch to UnBIAS ternary classification instead of binary classification.
Add multi-modal image classification feature for TruBias release
Add "Explain" button to the cards in the Explore Tab. It should use Mbias eventually, but we can start with OpenAI API because it's more cost effective.
Add a "Debias" option (uses Mbias to retain maximum context, while reducing bias). Could probabily use OpenAI for this until Mbias is hosted too.
Make a really nice media: demo with Arcade (with pan and zoom), Chrome Store images and banners, etc.
Add a multimodal pipeline for TruBias.
Add ner="unbias" to pipeline args. This would use UnBIAS NER instead of "gus" (GUS-Net) so that it would return the biased words instead of the generalizations, unfairness, and stereotype entities in the "ner" dictionary value.
Add individual model modules (allow people to call specific ones instead of all through the main pipeline.
Write page about the endpoints and how people can use them.
Need to find someone to cover the costs, using AWS right now, and it's only $50/m per model (BERT models, Mbias would be more). I can add scaling with replicas, and let it scale to 0, so it's efficiently managed.
Ask Dr. Raza to add some info on models/datasets she knows.
Add dataset principles to the datasets tab (FAIR principles).
Write the LLMs section: De-biasing (Mbias), explanation (Mbias), classification LoRA?
Add the TruBias paper and details when it's ready (Dr. Raza and Maximus working on it).
Add sections in "Research" for Hate Speech detection and political bias detection.
We should add some channels for sharing active research projects.
Add pretty readme files for all the subdirs.
Add a ipynb for using the-faily-project package to the resources
Last updated 4 months ago